Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The best years...

Found out recently that my blog is still active..:) thought maybe i'll jot down a few lines.This time,no apologies,i'm like this only...the queen of procrastination.
Recently i've been thinking about how blessed I am.I'm happy with my life,my career,my family...i've got two beautiful daughters and they're in good health.I've a wonderful husband who loves me much,frankly, to know I am loved this much,and accepted solely for who I am gives me confidence...and it shows,in the way I interact with others,and the way I am,and I really feel that i've got the best guy in the world,somone who's just wholeheartedly committed to his family.And i'm grateful to God for that.I'm grateful for a lot of things,I know we're not rich,but we're not in want,we're healthy,we love each other and we enjoy our lives.I feel this really is the best time(s) of our lives,there's no kids problem yet,no health or money issue (yet) and I know these good times will not last forever...someday,we'll be having this or that problems and maybe we'll look back on these years and realise how good they were,so i'm doing that now,instead of realising it only later,i'm realising and cherishing it now...The best years :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Start...

Its been ages since i've updated my blog..and many things have happened since then.I've gone back home from utraula,i'm married and now pregnant!Its such a big thing for me,major milestones in my life.I've experienced first hand being a wife(which i love),being a 'Mo'(which isn't as bad as its made out to be:)) and hopefully,becoming a mother,which i'm excited about.There's a part of me that's still the same,I still love laughing and eating out,but there's a whole lot of change too.Now I find myself worrying about the future,finances and things that can go wrong with pregnancy..there's a lot more worry,but more of comfort and friendship on the personal front..and i'm trying to procrastinate less from now on..ha ha...hopefully it'll all work out for the best!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Better Resurrection

For my friend Tluangi-to remind you of the hope we have in Jesus-Always.Love you much.
I have no wit, no words, no tears;
My heart within me like a stone
Is numb'd too much for hopes or fears;
Look right, look left, I dwell alone;
I lift mine eyes, but dimm'd with grief
No everlasting hills I see;
My life is in the falling leaf:
O Jesus, quicken me.
My life is like a faded leaf,
My harvest dwindled to a husk:
Truly my life is void and brief
And tedious in the barren dusk;
My life is like a frozen thing,
No bud nor greenness can I see:
Yet rise it shall--the sap of Spring;
O Jesus, rise in me.
My life is like a broken bowl,
A broken bowl that cannot hold
One drop of water for my soul
Or cordial in the searching cold;
Cast in the fire the perish'd thing;
Melt and remould it, till it be
A royal cup for Him, my King:
O Jesus, drink of me.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


'Love is patient,love is kind,it does not envy,does not boast.....'

What exactly is love anyway?why do people make such a big deal out of it?why are we so scared to say the L word but so happy to hear it?Is it something that you fall in and out of?Or is it supposed to last forever?What about the other types of love..i the love between friends,family?Why do we take that for granted and then concentrate so much on the one that we thought is Love? What's the difference anyway?

I don't get it.We focus so much on something that might not last anyway and we neglect the one that's real.We call our friends when we're in need but forget them when good times come.we think of our families only when we have no one else to turn to.We make efforts to make our romantic relationship's work but we don't take time to nurture the one that we already have.I've realised one thing,i'm single,confused about being ready to mingle,but I sure am ready to take that important step of being the one to call or write to my friends when I haven't heard from them for a while,instead of just waiting to hear from them first,to call my family every once in a while just to know how they're doing...and not to lose the relationships i've treasured that time and distance can so easily steal away from me.

I've learned to take the first step.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Vawiin hi....

Vawiin hian ka chau em em a,peih lo chung chungin ka blog ka update.Vawiin hian ka mut a chhuak em em a,a chhan poh ka hria,nizan ka call ania,call zan chuan ka mengrei a,chuan call loh zan chuan kan ti ti a,call zan ai mahin kan mengrei a,chuvang chuan ka mut a chhuak a ni.Vawiin hian mut chhuak hle mah i la,ka mu thei tlat lo,achhan chu naktuk retreat atan hla kan zir angai a,ka thiante chaw ei kham ka nghak.Vawiin hian ka ho ka intia,mahse tihvak ngaihna ka hre lo,chuvang chuan chhuanlam ka siam a,tak reng poh hi a ni hlei nem ka ti?!Dik viau lo maw?

And for those unable to understand mizo......Just ask!!And you will be answered!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Answered prayers....

To say that God is faithful would be stating the fact,and it just cannot describe enough how faithful he is.The overwhelming work load and being understaffed was starting to get to me,but God gave us 1 new doctor and 3 nurses to help us out for a while,and i'm really glad.And the amazing thing was that they're all from my place,which was really nice.They stay in the house opposite mine,and it really takes care of the loneliness factor.And yea,i've started taking dancing lessons from anuja,who is a nurse here, and we had our first class yesterday.I was joined by manghaki and the two of us trying to emulate anuja was really something else.It was hysterical,we just couldn't stop laughing.tempted to post the video here,but i think i'll make a fool of myself some other time.:))

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Picnic at Barni(Nepal)

Picnic's are supposed to be fun,right?Maybe not always,but this one was...though it was just a few of us,and not the whole hospital,as I thought earlier.Anyway,we set off at 8 am and bought samosas,puri etc for breakfast at Balrampur,and we had that on the way,finally reached barni at around 11.On reaching,we discovered that due to some communal riots few days back,all the shops were closed.still kept my hopes up cos i've prayed about this and i'm sure God won't disappoint.we decided to look around anyway and the streets were pretty empty but I was with my boss(heh!) and they knew some people cos they're this guys took us inside and we managed to get some stuffs,though I didn't get the blanket,which was my main purpose in coming.we walked some more,saw a half-open shop and check it out.luckily,there was this guy who was willing to sell us some blankets..finally ended up getting all the things on my list and I really thank God for that.We all managed to get some stuffs and then headed back home,lunch was on the way back,lots of varieties,lip-smackingly good food(well,for me anyway:))...So,we got home with enough time to spare for a much needed sleep...zzzz.....